Group ICA and beyond
ICA Lecture 2: Group ICA and Beyond
Group ICA
Some problems at the subject level become even more pressing at the group level:
- Independent components have no natural interpretation
- Independent components have no meaningful order (permutation ambiguity)
- The magnitude of independent component maps and time courses is undetermined (scale ambiguity)
- The sign of independent component maps and time courses is arbitrary
For group level analyses, some form of ‘matching’ is required:
- Equal coefficients across subjects?
- Equal distributions across subjects?
- Equal dynamics across subjects?
Group ICA Review:
Calhoun, Vince D., et. al. “A review of group ICA for fMRI data and ICA for joint inference of imaging, genetic, and ERP data.” Neuroimage 45.1 (2009): S163-S172.
Group-ICA I: Combining Single Subject ICs or Retrospective matching
- Perform ICA on individual subjects and match similar individual components one-on-one across subjects
- Subjective or (semi)automatic matching on basis of similarity between distribution maps and/or time courses
- Self-organized clustering, spatial correlation of components + hierarchical clustering
- E.g. Calhoun et al., 2001, Esposito et al., 2005
- Also used to test the reproducibility of some stochastic ICA algorithms
Components may differ in strength and dynamics
- Can be applied to inhomogeneous population
- Unequal spatial patterns: brain plasticity
- Unequal dynamics: flexible paradigm
Statistical assessment at group level:
- Voxel-by-voxel SPMs (careful with scaling and bias!)
Group-ICA II: Temporal concatenation
- Concatenate subjects’ data matrices along the time dimension
- Perform ICA on aggregate data matrix
- Partition resulting components into individual time courses
- E.g. Calhoun et al., 2001
Components may differ in strength and dynamics
- Can be applied to inhomogeneous population
- Equal spatial patterns: comparable brain organization
- Unequal temporal dynamics: flexible paradigm such as resting state fMRI
Statistical assessment at group level:
- Voxel-by-voxel SPMs, from back-projection (careful with statistics!) or dual-regression.
Group-ICA III: Spatial concatenation
- Concatenate subjects’ data matrices along the spatial dimension
- Perform ICA on aggregate data matrix
- Partition resulting components into individual maps
- E.g. Svensén et al., 2002
Components may differ in strength and distribution
- Can be applied to inhomogeneous population
- Unequal spatal patterns: brain plasticity
- Equal temporal dynamics: fixed paradigm;
Statistical assessment at group level:
-Voxel-by-voxel SPMs
Group ICA IV: Averaging
- Average the data sets of all subjects before ICA
- Perform ICA on the mean data
- E.g. Schmithorst et al., 2004
All subjects are assumed to have identical components
- Only applied to homogeneous population
- Equal spatial patterns: comparable brain organization
- Equal temporal dynamics: fixed paradigm; resting state impossible
Statistical assessment at group level:
- Enter ICA time courses into linear regression model (back-projection)
Group-ICA V: Tensor-ICA
- Stack subjects’ data matrices along a third dimension
- Decompose data tensor into product of (acquisition-dependent) time course, (voxel-dependent) maps, and (subject-dependent) loadings
- E.g.: Beckmann et al., 2005
Components may differ only in strength
- Can be applied to inhomogeneous population
- Equal spatial distributions: comparable brain organization
- Equal temporal dynamics: fixed paradigm; resting state impossible
Statistical assessment at group level:
- Components as a whole
ICA for Group Comparison of rs-fMRI
ICA for Group Comparison of rs-fMRI
- Studies of resting FMRI data increasingly concern estimation at the group level, i.e. of differences in functional connectivity patterns between different subject groups.
- Seed-voxel/region-based regression approaches
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based techniques
Back projection method
Dual Regression
Some note about group ICA (different perspectives)
\[X_i = A_i S_i + E_i, i=1,...,N\]
- Particion individual ICs into the group components \(S\) and subject-specific components \(\epsilon_i\): \(S_i = [S; \epsilon_i]\)
the results can be very unstable since ICA performance really depends on the specification of the number of ICs.
By developing regularization methods, we can identify which components do not appear in each individual (or using post-hoc thresholding..)
The group ICs can be expressed differently in subjects:
\(S_i = S + \epsilon_i\)
back-reconstruction & dual regression
More integrated hierarchical modeling (Ying Guo in Emory university) approaches have been developed.
Recent development in ICA (We will discuss in the future…)
Longitudinal ICA
- Hierarchical modeling for ICA
Multimodal Fusion
- Joint ICA, mICA, Linked ICA etc.